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Pre-Alpha v7.0 and 7.1 Release Note
2024-08-05 nullsystem
This is actually released 2 days ago, but here’s the general overview of the
changes that went in since v6.
Major bug fixes
- Fixed: nullptr dereference on
- Fixed: Dying/disconnection with ghost causing it to noclip through the ground
- Fixed: HUD timer and states not being updated on new map change
- Fixed: HUD not being updated on resolution change
- Fixed: Duplicate weapon view models
- Fixed: Team/Class/Loadout menu race condition
Parity features
- Damage modifiers
- Bullet penetration
- Hull/view offsets
- Supa7 firerate
- Coloring: Ghost caps, chat, and HUD
- neuropol2 font used for kill feed
- Ghost uplink + beacons
- Allow ADS while changing weapons
New features
- Client vs server build integrity check
- Distance/HP in friendly marker, removed old CTargetID HUD
- Throwable keybinds
- Steam and application icons
Bind changes
- New: Alternate binds for next/prev player spectating
, +specprevplayer
Convar changes
- New: Integrity check server-side convars:
- Toggle integrity check - Defaults: 1 (Enabled)
- Toggle debug clients integrity checking bypass - Defaults: 0 (Disabled)
- Note: Debug builds will have this enabled by default
General bug fixes
- First-person player fixes:
- Crouch jitter
- Stuck on walls/props while leaning
- Spectator fixes:
- Stuck lean 3p
- Previous player button now maps to ADS (AKA defaults to RMB)
- Death to spectator viewmodel
- First-person HUD fixes
- Hide HTA/ammo if observer
- Ghost cap fixes: Round end state HUD
- Chat color bug fixed with too long
- Weapon fixes:
- Grenade should now able to prime+throw on sprint
- Supa7 removed side icons
- Supa7 is now prevented from shooting while sprinting
- Menu (AKA radio menu) fixed maximum 5s timeout
- Damage info bumped to 60s timeout
- Scoreboard: Fix spectator wrong column
- GitHub actions now used for building Windows + Linux builds
- Automatic release for master branch
Neotokyo; Rebuild - 2024-2025 | Neotokyo: Revamp - 2019-2024