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Pre-Alpha v8.0 Release Note

2024-09-14 nullsystem (Proof-read by Rainyan, brysondev, and xedmain)


Weapon spread and recoil

Spread and recoil changes are now in place and are parity/close to OG:NT. There is now a difference between hip fire and ADS, giving a tighter spread for ADS.

New main menu

The main menu has received an entire overhaul, replacing the standard Sourcemod main menu with custom fonts, buttons and so-forth. The settings, server browser, listen server creator, popups, and player lists have been updated with new and work-in-progress elements. The design of these elements are not final, and while the server browser is missing some extras, it is usable enough to replace the old UIs currently. However, the “legacy” windows can be accessed in the server browser and settings using the “legacy” button on the bottom.

Here’s a screenshot of the settings page:

Options menu with the new overhaul GUI

New features

Old Squad HUD

You can now switch to the OG:NT-style squad/round HUD by using the convar: neo_cl_squad_hud_original 1. The squad stars scaling can be tweaking using neo_cl_squad_hud_star_scale, using 1 to scale from 1080p.

Mirror team damage

Mirror team damage feature is now in with multiple server-side convars to tweak it. By default this is turned on with a 2x multiplier, 7 seconds duration, and immunity for the victim players. The duration is only from the start of a round, then team damage/kills goes on as normal. The new convars for these settings are as follows:

Kick on team kill/damage accumulation

Another feature is the automatic kick on accumulation of team kills or damage. This is disabled by default but if turned on, it defaults to 600hp and 6 kills as a minimum threshold for kicking the player off the server. this accumulation is kept throughout a match/map and resets on the next match/map. The new convars for these settings are as follows:

General Fixes

Multiple fixes went in, just a quick rundown:


The old VPC build system and source code that has gone unused has officially been removed. CMake is the only build system in-place to compile the codebase.

Neotokyo; Rebuild - 2024-2025 | Neotokyo: Revamp - 2019-2024