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Pre-Alpha v9.0 Release Note

2024-10-13 nullsystem (Proof-read by AdamTadeusz, brysondev, and xedmain)

Known issue

New features

VIP and TDM gamemodes

VIP mode turns CTG capture points into VIP escape points and a random person is selected as a VIP. The VIP’s objective is to escape by reaching the objective, while teammates tries to protect them. The enemy instantly wins the round if the VIP is killed. The VIP has a different player model, stats, and its own set of available loadouts including exclusive access to the SMAC.

TDM mode turns off both CTG capture points & ghosts, and enables respawning. The round time is extended to 10.25m.

The new convars for these settings are as follows:

Custom crosshair

You can now easily customize your crosshair. Inside options there is now a new tab called “Crosshair” and from here you can pick between a textured or custom crosshair. All crosshair colors can be changed, with the custom crosshair having further settings typical of crosshair customization. There is also the ability to import and export custom crosshair files (uses the neoxhr file extension) for ease of sharing.

The new convars for these settings are as follows:

Ready up mechanic

Ready up mechanic is now implemented, disabled by default. Use neo_sv_readyup_lobby 1 server-side to enable it. Players can use the !ready/!unready commands to ready-up, as well as !overridelimit to allow for more players and !playersnotready to list players not ready.

The new convars for these settings are as follows:

Player outlines in spectator mode

Using the +attack2 keybind (default x), can toggle between player outlines/indicators

Cloaking and visions

General fixes/changes


Neotokyo; Rebuild - 2024-2025 | Neotokyo: Revamp - 2019-2024